Personal Auto LOUIS A WILLIAMS Customer Services

To report a claim: Call 800-256-5291 ext 311 or report claim electronically by completing form below.

Person Reporting the Claim
Your First Name: *
Your Last Name: *
Are you the:
Insured   Other Party   Neither   Explain:

Your Cell Phone#: *
Other Contact Phone#:
Your Email Address: *
Your Address: *
Your City, State & Zip: *

Insured Information

Policy Number:
Insured's First Name:
Insured's Last Name:
Insured's Cell Phone#:
Other Contact Phone#:
Driver's First Name: *
Driver's Last Name: *
Driver's Phone#: *
Insured Vehicle: *
Describe Damage: *

Was vehicle towed?
Yes   No   If towed, where is vehicle?
Describe Injuries: *

Other Vehicle in Accident

Driver's First Name:
Driver's Last Name:
Driver's Cell Phone#:
Driver's Other Phone#:
Vehicle Description:
Describe Damage:

Was vehicle towed?
Yes   No   If towed, where is vehicle?
Describe Injuries:

Other party insurance co and policy number if known:

Other Important Information

Date of Accident: *
   Time of Accident: *
Accident Location: *
Describe what happened: *

Was there a police report? *
What authority was contacted? Case #: Citations:

Additional Information:

Upload a photo of damages.

On submit look for success message to verify e-mail was sent.
If no success message limit amount of pictures to 4 or less.